This part is not a rules question per se, but I was wondering about the game storage. My All-In pledge arrived, and the Minis-Crate is obviously to hold all the miniatures, but is the idea that all of the other game components can be stored in the Starter Set box as long as you toss the insert? As a pack rat, I'm usually not one to throw away packaging, like the other boxes that the posses all came in.
I guess this part is rules related. All of the other posses came with additional loot. Can these be combined into one large loot pool, or does that mean that starting loot could be poorly balanced, such as all loot ending up being food or some such?
Also, I assume that there's no inherent reason why the original tiles couldn't be used in addition to the new replacement tiles? It just makes for a bigger town, right?
I'm glad someone else posted about this. The expansion boxes are all really beautiful, but I know my wife and storage for the game by itself is going to be an issue enough, let alone a bunch of extra boxes. Unfortunately those will probably all end up having to be pitched.
I put all the Card Decks, character cards and the Tokens in the Starter box, the Minis in the crates, the tiles and rules in the father Franklin Box...and the huge tile from the bandero Blondes Box Rest there....sadly they are too big to get in another 4 boxes with alle the stuff.
I Mixed the Tokens.
You can use the old tile Set to build a bigger map (If the different graphics dont disturb.